How to create Cron Jobs on your CPanel ?
Hello Everyone !
Sometimes, You have jobs which you should do that hourly, daily or monthly and timing also can be important for that jobs. I’m sure that you imagined something like this things but do not worry ! Someone developed it for you and before you. :) If you are a developer, of course you have an easy option around of your server. :) I will try to explain that how it’s possible to create a daily job.
Firstly, what is this option’s name ? It’s name is Cron Job. That let us to create scheduled taks. This option is really usefull and helpfull for your tasks or your needs in your applications. If you know to role your server, you can manage to Cron Jobs on your SSH side but ıt’s also possible to create scheduled tasks on CPanel. Let’s see that and save your time. :)
Follow the all steps.
1 — Go to your cPanel ( or go with your service provider interface)
2- You can create a command file and command script in your File Manager to use on Cron Job. You will need your script path for next step.
2- Find “Advanced” section on your CPanel platform.
You see Cron Jobs under Advanced section.
3- Click “Cron Jobs”
You will see your Cron Jobs options panel. There are some options for your scheduled tasks to trigger your script like minute, hour, day, month, weekday. You need to choice best option for your script. In my example, I chose Once Per 5 Minutes option . Finally, you need to remark your script path on Command option as you see on my example.
Your Cron Job is ready now. Now, next step.
4 — Click to “Add New Cron Job” button and you will have your first Cron Job helper.
You will see your Cron Job under the options section like this :
Your Job is ready. :) You have more time to do another stuff in your life. :)
Thank you for everything. I hope it will be helpful article for you all.
Enjoy your Code !
Enver ŞANLI — Web Developer, Social Thinker and Farmer