Why Laravel is the Perfect Option in PHP Frameworks ?

Enver Şanlı
3 min readApr 2, 2022


PHP Laravel Framework

Hello Developers or Developer Candidates !

You are reading this article because you want to trust Laravel or you are looking a perfect step to learn about programming language! Yes, don’t hold back! I will explain that question, “Why Laravel is the Perfect Ooption in PHP Frameworks?”.

As you know, PHP is one of the most advanced Web Scripting language. When you start to learn a programming language, you need to think also about community. If a programming language has a strong community, it’s mean is you have a lot of solution for your problems while learning that. PHP is a mature programming language. It has a strong community for many years. Even some people say, “PHP is dying” but I’m not sure it’s true because it’s growing with its strong frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgnither ! We will evaluate those frameworks performances.

Have you ever heard about benchmark?

What is Benchmark ?

Benchmark is a method to measure programming language performance to understanding better. We use this method to measure and compare programming language’s or framework’s performances. The method will help us about evaluating frameworks performances. We will be compared this frameworks like request per second, memory usage, response time etc.

Evaluation of The Performance

Below reports are based on benchmark test’s results.

1. Request Per Second

Request performance is one of the most important case for development cycle. You will see our frameworks performance based on request per second.

Laravel, Symfony and Codeıgnither response time report for per second

As you can see, Laravel has better performance than others for request per second. Laravel is able to handle 3000 request for second.

2. Memory Usage

Memory usage also important for development because it’s directly related with your application’s performance. We will see differences between our frameworks based on benchmark test.

Memory usage between PHP frameworks.

Indicates that Laravel is approximately 518 KB compared to CodeIgniter, followed by Symfony with a memory of approximately 1711

3. Response Time

Response time is first recognized thing for your applications performance that’s why important for development.

Response time test for PHP frameworks.

Laravel appeared with the least response time, 4.46 milliseconds compared to CodeIgniter with 7.2 followed by Symfony with 12 milliseconds.

As you can see above, Laravel’s performance better than Symfony and CodeIgnither frameworks.

Aren’t you convinced about Laravel framework’s performance? Don’t worry! I will find other proofs for you.

Thank you so much. Please share your feedback with me to optimize our article’s quality.

Resources :

A Comparative study of PHP frameworks performance


BackEnd Developer, Social Thinker & Farmer



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Enver Şanlı

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